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Master Deal Maker Secrets

Apr 25, 2021

Visit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

First, I want to elucidate why this episode is named like this. I know that it sounds awesome and it’s accurate, but not completely. I was never in the SAS, I didn’t train with the SAS, but what I did do was train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with three guys who were in the SAS. 

Some of you may be asking, what is this SAS? The Special Air Service is a special forces unit of the British army. These fellows are as tough as nails, and relentless when it comes to completing the task. They stop at nothing. 

I learned three really big lessons from those guys, and I think it's worthwhile sharing them with you because they are directly applicable to a sales context.  

An important part of the training they do in the SAS happens in what’s called a Killhouse. If you are not familiar with what it is, it’s basically a scenario designed to simulate a hostage situation or a situation where they are looking to take over a particular building and gain a position in battle. 

Probably, all of this sounds like it has nothing to do with business. How does a Killhouse simulation relate to a sales context?  

There was one thing that one of these guys that I trained with said that really stuck with me, “if it's exciting, you haven't trained enough”.  

From a sales perspective, if you're with clients, and you feel nervous, it means that you haven't drilled the scenario of you talking to a client enough, you haven't done enough role plays, you haven't used the actual framework and a script enough to a point where you can actually feel comfortable in that situation. 

It's the same for public speaking, what I found is when I first started speaking in front of groups of people, I was nervous. Now, I can talk in front of a group of 500 people and because I don't have that high level of anxiety, I can think more readily on my feet, I can come up with ideas, I can move in a particular direction in terms of my talk, and I can adapt and respond to what's actually happening in the room. 

So, if you are nervous and don’t have enough confidence to deal with the situations that develop in a sales context, it is essential that you ask yourself, “What do I need to do to get my reps up enough so that I can be more responsive, more present, and more effective and more productive in a sales-type role?”. 

This lesson taught me to keep working on my abilities, it really has played a big role in my career and I know you can take full advantage of it, as well as you can with the other two I am going to share with you. 

These three lessons in particular are great guidelines if you want to master handling sales situations. In this episode, you’ll learn what it takes to dramatically increase your chances of success while having control across the entire process. These lessons have done great things for me and they can do the same for you. 

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.

Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.